Eat to Lose Weight!

I can't lose weight. My doctor says this is normal, especially at my age, and I just need to accept it. I want to tell you that is NOT true. You can lose weight and keep it off.

Kick starting or revving up your metabolism is easy with the TEID Lifestyle. How, you ask? The answer is with food of course! This is when you get excited because you eat - to lose weight, and that in itself can kickstart your metabolism. I am not talking about food that is tasteless, fat free, or expensive pre-packaged food that is sent to your home. No. All of those don't change or improve your lifestyle nor create lasting success and good health. We are talking about food you buy at your marketplace. I am also not talking about counting points or calories, Who can live like that?!

There are several things we will be taking into consideration. What clean healthy food looks like, eating regularly and not skipping meals, planning healthy meals and snacks, stimulating your own stem cell production with new and youthful stem cells, stimulating your own collagen production again as you did in your youth, and using whole food supplements to stimulate your bodies healing and decrease inflammation. This is important because inflammation slows down healing, and it slows down your metabolism. This being said, I have just summarized for you, that I am going to guide you to not only where you want to go, but even beyond what you knew was possible. This all flows together in the simplicity of the TEID Lifestyle.

You will learn to help your body heal, believe me there is a need in area's you can't see. Get into a healthy balance so that you see and feel the results you desire. And all of this will be simplified when you stay consistent. I teach the importance of putting your blinders on at the beginning of your journey. Having blinders on keeps you from failure and leads to creating a strong foundation quickly. In other words, stay focused. Since diets have not worked for you in the past, take this time to change your mindset from dieting to lifestyle. They say that it takes 21 days of change to create a new habit. Did you ever stop to think that just by tweaking your lifestyle you could be actually forming life long habits that will benefit your health and longevity? Well, it's true. You don't necessarily need to focus on creating new habits, just begin to make improvements and stay consistent and they will become your new habits. What do you know, we just knocked off one item from your to do list!

So come check things out for yourself in my new book, "You Can Live Like This." Stay connected here with me in my weekly inspirational messages and teachings Don't you agree that it's time for you to make yourself a priority? Are you ready to feel good, see healthy improvement in your blood work, and live at your optimum weight, while enjoying a long life?

I have been laying a foundation, and I am excited to share that next week we are going to begin to go deeper into things you can implement into your journey to assist in healing, weight loss, reducing inflammation and of course this all leads to age reversal. I am so honored to share with you and be your guide.

Don't delay one more minute. You are worth it!

CLICK HERE to get your copy today!

Blessings, Cindy Brynteson, RN 

Saint Augustine, FL