
Welcome to my website and my blog. I very excited to begin to share an inspire each and every one of you. I am thrilled you and I are connected.

Little did I know that when I was caught in a people stampede in 2010 that it would lead me here. I am thankful that as the security guard announced, "I think that girl is dead," she was mistaken. I was lying on the floor unable to move. I would not have voluntarily signed up for that injury or the issues that would I would come to deal with later, but I am ever so thankful for the journey it has taken me on.

And honestly, I am as surprised as anyone that I have written a book. And, that I can announce that my book has gone to print and you can PREORDER NOW. “You Can Live Like This” is the documentation, and simple teaching of the principles of my lifestyle. It has blessed so many; my husband, myself, my sisters, our family's, and others. I count it an honor to share with you, how the TEID Lifestyle - my lifestyle, can bless you too.

The TEID Lifestyle was a God given gift to me. I sought help to conquer the pain that returned post operatively. After trying everything, I was still in pain. My husband and I went headstrong to find a solution. I refused to take medications and mask the underlying issues. I wanted answers. I was assured by a healthcare professional that I could discover a solution for myself. I moved forward with great excitement. I am not one to give up easily and neither does my husband. Thus, my journey revealed a lifestyle that has led to me living pain-free. Now many others have received freedom from pain. Countless testimonies on living a healthy balanced life that has led to living at their optimal weight. It is so exciting!

My dear friends and family encouraged me to write this book. After a two and a half year journey "You Can Live Like This" is expected to be available to ship on November 1, from my website. Thank you to all who have and will support me to get this incredible lifestyle out to everyone. I look forward to all we will share in the years to come and what blessings may lie ahead for you too. Thank you for joining me, and please invite your family and friends along with us!

Blessings, Cindy Brynteson, RN 

Saint Augustine, FL